One Precious Life

One Precious Life is Rescon’s system of software, hardware and service delivery that empowers individuals, allowing them to reach their maximum potential by putting them in the centre of services and technology. It applies best-in-practice training principles to all, whether they are young, old, well, unwell or competing at the highest level. This is combined with best-in-class monitoring technologies, devices, user input platforms, analysis and feedback. One Precious Life works with people, for people. We can all be better.

One Precious Life for Long Term Conditions (LTC)

One Precious Life LTC is a project funded by the Technology Strategy Board for applying the principles of high performance athlete training, service and support to people with long term health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, dementia, stroke-survivors, asthma and arthritis. Graduates with a background in high performance training have teamed up with individuals from social care or health care background to develop training programmes to improve body, mind and spirit. They will then support individuals through a programme to optimise their day to day and longer term performance. The results will be assessed for the potential for delivering this approach on a larger scale.  Rescon has developed One Precious Life LTC in collaboration with delivery partners Going for Independence and Lexiab.


Lincus is an monitoring and feedback tool that has been designed with accessibility in mind. Lincus was developed by Rescon in collaboration with government, charity and industry partners. Lincus has been published on the National Institute of Clinical Excellence Website and has received an innovation award from the South East Technology Alliance


Rescon is a UK based company that researches, develops and delivers human performance technologies and services.  Rescon’s technologies help individuals, populations and communities to reach their maximum potential.