Eating Your Way To A Healthy Set Of Lungs

Faye Prior | 2014-07-01 05:12:42

Who would have thought that eating bananas and cheese could be so good for our lungs? Especially if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

That’s because researchers have been monitoring lots of people with COPD across the US and Europe, and they’ve come to the simple conclusion that some everyday foods can help our lungs work properly. The power of food!

What they found was that people who had eaten either grapefruit, fish, bananas, or cheese in the last 24 hours had better lung functioning, less inflammation, less symptoms, and were able to get up and walk around faster.

Perhaps though the fact that people had eaten these foods in the last 24 hours might signify that they eat them regularly, and have a healthier diet overall.

I’m not recommending that you eat all of these foods together at your next meal, that would be an odd combination. But rather that trying to incorporate some of these foods in to your diet could be beneficial for your lungs but for your general overall health too.

Remember to consult with your doctor about making any changes to your diet, and to make sure that none of these foods are listed as restricted by the medications that you take.

Faye Prior (Researcher)


Hanson et al., (2014). Dietary Intake Is Associated With Lung Function In The Eclipse Cohort. American Thoracic Society Conference 2014, Poster Number: A5949.