He took up the sport to “attract sexy young 70 year olds at the beach”

Jack Barton | 2014-03-25 09:26:35

We understand the plight of an aging population. An increased chance of injury, development of new technologies, and another new twist in Coronation Street are all valid reasons to sit in that armchair and become less active, or maybe not.

Rarely do you hear of the fantastic achievement of a 93 year old body builder or the 77 year old champion pole vaulter who only took up the sport at the age of 50. Luckily for you www.scotsman.com have nudged us in the direction of two examples of members of the elderly population taking sport and physical activity by the horns and making it their own.

Yes you did read that title right, Charles Eugster, 93 years young, took up body building and rowing to fulfill that ambition. Without testosterone fuelled ambition, Dorothy McLennan thrives in pole vaulting, heptathlon and sprinting.

This blog isn’t about making you feel guilty, and it’s only partially about commending such incredible individuals. It’s purpose is to remind you of the possibilities of the human body regardless of age or experience.

You don’t become sedentary because you are old, but rather you become old because you are sedentary.

The positive effects of physical activity on cognitive function, cardiovascular health, respiratory function, social parameters and overall happiness are well reported but few take action. Maybe Charles and Dorothy can give you the motivation that you need in order to get moving. Catch up with Coronation Street later in the week.


Jack Barton (Researcher, Rescon Ltd)

